Thursday, December 6, 2007

Game Daily Presents: Boobie Fest!

Whew! It's been almost two months since the last time I posted here. I'm kinda busy these past months upgrading my auto parts like Acura fenders, and now I'm back to give you guys the freshest updates and interesting articles about the gaming industry.

Anyway, browsing through Game Daily's website, I got bugged with this hot feature. Guys at Game Daily selected the boobie-licious characters of the several PC and console games as their "Babe of the Week." Check them out!

1. Christie Monteiro (Tekken 5)
Despite of her gracious Capoiera dancing moves along with her boobie weights, Christie doesn’t get tired after all. She even kicks some ass… well, it depends on the player if he focus on Christie's moves not on her sexy thingy.

2. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
Our beloved Lara Croft. We've seen her portrayed by Hollywood hottie Angelina Jolie and did some death defying stunts with her bouncing assets. How amazing!

3. Dead or Alive Girls
The Asian hotties! These anime-like girls really look awesome. According to Game Daily, "You don't need to go back to the first game to enjoy these girls' assets. Dead or Alive 4 for Xbox 360 features these girls (and their girls) in all their bouncing glory."

4. Rachel (Ninja Gaiden)
"The best part of Ninja Gaiden Sigma is playing as Rachel, though we're not sure how much that skimpy armor can protect her. From us."

5. Soul Calibur Girls
"Normally, oversized assets would get in the way of fast action sword fighting. However, the Soul Calibur girls prove otherwise, using their accentuated features to distract opponents."

6. Elexis Sinclaire (SiN)
After spreading a genetically mutating virus from her lab, what more can your ask for this evil boobie-licious hottie?

7. Mai Shiranui (Fatal Fury)
Another hard hitting babe. Mai Shiranui kicks ass when doing some high kicks and flips despite of the weights on her chest.

8. Tala (Darkwatch)
Creepy and sexy. These two words are the best adjectives to describe this vampiress from Darkwatch.

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