Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Transformers The Game: IGN Rating and Review

Remember the post I made last June 27th about the Transformers: The Game released by Activision? Well, IGN (, one of the leading news and reviews website for the gaming industry has released their verdict about the Nintendo Wii version of the game.

Unfortunately, the game is not that impressive for IGN reviewers. Anyway, just check out below for the game's rating in the 5 major categories.

Presentation: 7.0
"There’s a full range of VO, but lousy video compression hurts the experience. The characters are on-model, the frame rate holds, and there’s decent Transformers bonus content."

Graphics: 7.5
"It’s one of the better visual experiences thus far on Wii, as smoke and fire effects blend with bloom lighting and generally commendable environments. A bit sparse at times."

Sound: 6.5
"A few generic songs mix with the movie voices. A bit too basic, but better than most Wii licensed games. No Wii speaker usage or advanced audio options."

Gameplay: 5.5
"Transformers mixes decent combat with sketchy IR and some cool robot/vehicle missions. Level types get old too quick though, as does the focus on hand-to-hand combat."

Lasting Appeal: 5.5
"There are nearly 200 unlockables (mostly images and art), but the Generation 1 characters are a nice touch for long-time fans. Missions/combat can get old fast though."

OVERALL: 6.0 (out of 10)

Meanwhile, take time to read this comment about the Transformers: The Game for Wii by Bozon, one of the editors at IGN. And me? I'll check the web and look for high performance Honda racing parts for my old Honda sports car.

"Across each of the available platforms, Tranformers: The Game has some serious issues. Combat is too one-dimensional, focusing mainly on melee, as your firearms do nothing against enemy shields. As an "open world" game, Tranformers can also feel fairly closed off because each area dispenses only one mission at a time, making for an entirely linear experience wrapped in a relatively void and underwhelming world. IR isn’t perfect, causing quirky camera issues and annoying lock-on problems. Still, Transformers isn't a total wash, and we can see the potential for entertainment. Doing battle, while shallow, is still good for some basic entertainment. The game offers a ton of unlockables, so the average player will unlock something new (even if it’s just a piece of promo art from the Dreamwave comic series) every few minutes, and the scenarios do a decent job of making use of both robot and vehicle modes. A fully-destroyable environment makes for a ton of collateral damage during fights, and nearly any piece of the environment can be picked up and used as weapon should the need arrive. It’s simple, shallow, but still entertaining at times. This may not be the Transformers game we were hoping for, but it has its moments."

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